Monday, December 10, 2012

Nano 2012 Day Thirty


"Hello, this is Menelaus?" he said into the receiver
"Hello Menelaus. This is A(*)&)()___" A stream of static assaulted his ear after the first few words. He pulled the phone away from his ear and then gingerly replaced it there. "Sorry," he said, "you're breaking up."
"Not me. Listen closely..." 
The mime continued walking around the party talking to random people. He found that because he fit the stereotype of a general "Anime nerd" without actually being threatening or a mouth breather most people were quite happy to talk to him. He looked up and saw Calliope approach him. "Hi there!" he said, "Really, this party is..."
she took his hand, "Come speak to me near the lifts."
This wasn't good, he was never to leave an assigned job area, aspecially if it was with someone who had found him out. Was it different if it was another operative? Probably not. He spoke under his breath, "Hey listen, I know what you're doing and I"m doing it too and it doesn't matter OK? You know we can't leave so let's just keep going..." He looked at her. She looked immeasurably sad, there was a pleading in her eyes. "Wait, what's wrong? Have I mis judged this."
"Please." She said, "please. Four. Come to the lift."
"For who?" He was confused. she pushed her finger into his chest and whispered,
"Four. You are. Four. Please, come with me."
His mind shattered into a million pieces. Wordlessly he took her hand and they walked out of the room through the glass doors and to the lift. The lift dinged and the doors opened as they approached, even though they didn't push the button. The mime felt like he was a small kid again, walking with a fruit box in one hand, holding the hand of a little girl in the other. The pressed the button for the ground floor and the lift began to descend.
Menelaus was out of breath from running back inside the hotel to the lift area. He furiously pressed the button to call the lift as the call echoed in his mind and kept pressing it until the doors opened. Once they did he leapt in and pressed the number for the floor of the party. He fidgetted as it went up. He hoped he wasn't too late. Too late for what though? What possible reason would they have for leaving? The elevator dinged that he had reached his floor and he practically wrenched the doors open. He raced into the room yelling, "Kusa! Calliope! Don't leave! They're waiting for you!" And saw everyone had their eyes on him. Everyone but the actors playing Kusa and Calliope.
The lift doors opened at the ground floor and they stepped out, together. The mime briefly considered letting her step off first but originally he had been the one leading her, back at the compound, helping her with everything so this was a more logical step. Equals. They stepped out onto the lobby floor. He saw beaches in his vision, Europe, ruins, cafes and forests. He saw sunlight and happiness. He turned and smiled at the little girl from his past, and she turned and smiled too. He saw the doors of the the hotel fly open and men in black swat gear came in. They did not fit with his vision. They were scary in fact, with black gas masks that blacked out their eyes and what looked like rubber bullet guns. He smelled a familiar smell wafting in the door. Peppermint. Peppermint and cinnamon. A pale hand appeared at the door… no, a hand wearing a white glove. It was followed by a filthy jacket sleeve and then the rest of the jacket, enveloping a filthy man with a white face. He had an eyepatch. That was new. He strode in and straight to the mime and slapped him in the face.
“That is for my eye. That is the start of what will happen for my eye.” He grabbed the girl’s arm, the mime moved to stop him and was shot in the stomach with a rubber bullet by one of the swat members. He let go of hand and saw her meing led away. He saw the filthy man, his teacher, lean over him with a small syringe. “Welcome back, Four Two Seven.” It was injected into his neck and everything went dark. At least the dark can be a friend to a mime.

THE END  (till I finish it properly, anyway.)

50,731 words

Nano 2012 Day Twenty-Nine

So he thought he would throw out a question. "Hey, what do you think of M?"
"M? He seems like a nice guy."
"Yeah... I wonder what makes him tick. I've talked to him in the room and I know a few of the things going on in his life but you know, he's hard to figure out."
"Why is that, Kusa? Do you have a crush on him? You know, I didn't think you swung that way but now that I think about it..."
"Very funny. I'm just curious what your take on him is. You've always been pretty perceptive."
"Right. Hmm. Well, he wants to be a novelist, that much is for sure. You might have noticed him asking me about the books I've written and the whole deal behind that so he can get his own stuff published."
"Right, and?"
"And I ended up giving him the contact details for my agent. I figure, why not. If it's bad it'll just get rejected and I can let him down easy afterwards."
"So what happened? He submitted?"
"Yeah he submitted and my agent loved it. I'm really happy for him. It might end up published in the New York Times."
"That's really good for him! So.. what did you think of what he wrote?"
"Yeah, I mean, you're a writer."
"Well, I haven't read it to be honest. Just my agent saw it."
"Yeah he had it for a bit and he had it locked away the next. Ready to show to his friends on the newspaper. Unfortunately it was too hard to get to me."
I've got you know, thought the mime. There is no way that Calliope would not have read that story, that her agent, her agent she had a five year relationship with with her own books, would not forward her a copy of the story she had specifically told him to keep an eye out for. But it wouldn’t be the sort of thing that would be passed onto an operative. It would be like him being forwarded Okram’s mail, it wouldn’t be seen as necessary.
He smiled a knowing smile at her. He shouldn't have, but he couldn't help it. "Well I'm going to keep enjoying your lovely party. You have a great time!"
"Thanks Kusa, you too."
He walked back to the food table and got himself a cocktail sandwich. He took a bit out of it, hmm, pickled onion, cucumber, slice of aged cheese. It was quite nice. The vinegar in the onion gave it a nice kick too. He tasted an after taste of hot english mustard after he swallowed it too, so there must have been just enough to produce that effect without actually tainting the sandwich. He was impressed.
He turned and looked back at Calliope, who was looking at him, hard. He waved. She didn't drop her expression but kept studying him. He hoped this didn't turn bad. He wondered how many others like him there were out there, playing roles for other people. He wondered how many of them were for rich shut ins who liked to talk in chat rooms over the internet but didn't like interacting with actual people in real life and had to send out their surrogate? Really from what he saw of most of these people, they probably wouldn't have minded if someone had turned up and just straight out said, "Hi, I'm Kusa's surrogate and he'll he watching through this camera here and listening through this microphone and telling me what to say to you people. So just treat me as if I'm him " and noone would bat an eyelid. Or would they? Maybe the presence of such a person would remind them of how close to the razor's edge of social acceptance they were already, and drive them away? Make them talk to the person differently in the chat room? He had heard of the mentality where, when someone or a group of people considered 'unpopular' found someone less popular or stranger than they were, in a fundamental way, they turned all their energy into bullying them, even  though they had experienced it all their lives. This was mostly in high school, of course, but with the stunted emotional growth of most of these computer jockies, he could see those sort of behaviours following them well into their 20s and possibly even their 30s. Though really he would hope that most people had that epiphany at around 28 that told them that everyone was a human being. He really hoped so, anyway. And thirty was normally when people had their lives figured out to a  degree so there was no real need to find worth by pushing others down any more. But there were always people who needed that sort of power, people who were normally in power already. Big people who needed to feel even bigger by kicking someone who was small even further down than they already were.

Calliope had been distracted from her glare by the little brunette who had engaged her in conversation again. This time she was making sure she had her full attention by standing even closer to her, forcing Calliope to bend down to talk to her properly. This also had the effect of closing off the circle around their conversation, making it a much more socially aggressive act to try and get the attention of one of them. She was a smart thinker, she had probably been doing it all her life. The midget the mime could be sure was "for real". He really wished he could be "for real" here. He wondered how his face paint would go with his current outfit. Probably not all that bad, though the blue might have clashed with the tshirt. The white gloves could've looked a little out of place as well. Oh well. Next party he went to would be for real.
Menelaus watched as Kusa talked to Calliope. They seemed to be talking about him. He wondered if that was just paranoia, surely it must be? And yet there was a point where Kusa had looked over directly at him and then the conversation had become heated. There was a couple of times that Calliope had glanced at him too, and not with the half flirting look she had been giving him during their conversation either. She had looked almost... scared? Why would she be scared of him? Scared of something Kusa was saying about him? What reason would Kusa have to be spreading rumours about him? This was getting stranger and stranger.. or maybe he was getting more and more paranoid for no reason and it was time for him to leave. Yes, that was probably it. He grabbed his jacket from the back of the chair he draped it on and put it on. He decided to down another dirty martini for luck, those things were really good. He grabbed the glass and threw the liquid down his throat. He could feel it radiate out to his muscles and his bones. It showed him how much adrenaline he had flowing at the moment. It really was time to leave. He grabbed a cocktail sandwich, waved a general goodbye to the room and once again marched towards the hallway that contained the lifts. As he pushed on the glass door, this time he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and saw Calliope. "Leaving so soon, M?"
"Um yeah. Tina wants me to go to her house." He lied
"Aw tell her you're having fun here"
"Nah I think I had better go. I want to go to her anyway."
"ahh..." she raised an eyebrow. Menelaus went red, even though he was lying. He still couldn't even think about ..that.. with Tina without getting flustered. She was ridiculous. He was suddenly even gladder he was leaving, even if it wasn't to go to Tina's. "I had a great night though" he said, "Did you?"
"Yeah my night has been great! It's only just started really." She looked at him pointedly as she said this.
"Sorry I'm leaving so early. I did have a good time. Well, goodbye, talk to you in the chat room, OK?"
He turned and went out through the door and hit the button for the lift. He could feel her gaze on his back as he waited. Hell, he could feel it on the ride down and going out to catch his taxi. He felt a very weird feeling in his chest. What on earth was he supposed to do? He knew one thing, he wasn't going to go to one of thse meet ups again. He was really excited about the New York Times possibility though, he really hoped he hadn't just messed that up. Hmm. Maybe he would have to go to another party, maybe the next one he would try and get Tina to come along with him, just to see these people were harmless. Although, now that he thought about it, maybe they weren't. Okram seemed like a friendly bear, armed with a tactical knife. Calliope seemed to have a mixture of predator and tragic heroine and Kusa just seemed... off. Something wasn't right. It was all perfect but at the same time he could see him snapping necks. Or at least he could see him acting out the motions. Now he thought about it, he could see him acting out the motions of a lot of things, the guy moved like a dancer. Now that was strange, did he get dance lessons as a kid? While he wondered about this he felt his mobile phone begin to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket expecting to see a call from Tina, instead it was from an unlisted number. How strange. He wondered if he should even answer it, and decided why not?

Nano 2012 Day Twenty-Eight

"Um." he said
"Can you tell me what he thought of the story?"
"Oh of course! Yes, he loved it. He thought the concept was precious and that it was very well executed. He actually thought it had the ability to make people cry, can you imagine that? Your wriitng causing tears to flow? It would be incredible."
"Yeah.. it would."
"But he's not the right agent for it."
Menelaus saw the little red balloon of his hopes that had been floating away suddenly pop and come to earth as if punctured by a dart. "Oh. Right. SO I need to keep sending it around till someone else likes it?" He pictured six months of posting letters. Well, he figured everyone else had to do it...
"Actually it might not be as hard as that. He knows someone who works for the New Yorker who could help get it placed in there."
"What, really? Wow! That's a really big deal."
"Well obviously, retard." She smiled, "Sorry, I don't mean to be so politically incorrect. But yes, it'd be incredible for you. You couldn't hope for wider exposure to a more literate audience. Of course, it does mean the cultural elite in New York will rip you to shreds if they think you weren't worthy of being published. Or of being part of their little club. Or just because you weren't part of their club to begin with. Yes, in general prepare to be ripped to shreds." She smiled
"Well, ok, how do I prepare for that? An umbrella?"
She looked at him curiously, "You're an interesting person, aren't you? I guess I could already tell that from the chat room. Anyway, the good thing about being published in the New Yorker, assuming it all works out for you, is that noone dares criticising anything that is in there openly if they are part of that circle. They will need to discredit you through other works. The fact you don't have any yet is actually kind of a godsend."
"That's really interesting, thank you."
"Don't mention it. Expect a call from my agent to tell you the full details of everything. And Menelaus?"
"Can you go get me drink please sweety?" She held out her empty martini glass to him and gave him a little courtsey when he took it. He smiled and walked back to the table and grabbed her a drink and one for himself. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. He walked back to where she was and handed her the drink. "Thank you, I'll talk to you later!" She said and turned back to her friend, a quite short brunette girl, that she was talking to. The brunette shot him a look that could spear a cow to the side of a barn so he sidled away. How could someone so short contain so much venom? He thought to himself. He went back over to the food table and saw little cocktail sandwiches. For some reason it made his heart jump with happiness but he had an idea it was just a delayed reaction to something else.
The mime watched as Okran demonstrated yet another stranglehold to him, this time on the shoulder height antique flower vase that was standing in the corner. He nodded his approval while trying to work out how to escape the conversation. While he knew that it would be an easy way to 'play out' the night, he wasn't sure Kusa would actually stay in conversation with this guy for so long. Surely any human on earth would be finding this tedious and creepy by now? He certainly did. He pretended to recognise someone across the room "OH hey, oh look Okram it was great talking to you. I'll talk to you later on, alright. Just need to go talk to them over there."
"Yeah. Yeah, no problem buddy." Okram righted himself and took his arms from around the flowerpot which somehow managed to look relieved. "Talk to you later. No problem. " He patted the mime on the back in a way that made the mime wonder if there hadn't been a poison needle hidden between his fingers. No dizziness, no purple spots, he seemed to be ok. He nodded to Okram one last time and started to drift over to where the blonde with the jeans and the tshirt seemed to be holding court. She seemed slightly familiar but at the same time there was something a little off about her. He couldn't quite put his finger on it. He studied her closer, from top to bottom. Plastic flower hair tie, non-descript tshirt with something about writing on it, jeans, red converse canvas shoes. This must be Calliope. Now, why was it so easy to pick her? Who really wore their personality on their sleeve, so to speak? He looked down at himself and thought, well, Kusa is right now. But that's because people like seeing a stereotyped image of what they are imagining when they meet someone. It makes them feel comfortable. It helps to dress it up a little, because people are by nature superficial (though he went in the opposite direction with his weight gain, but he made sure to add a little joviality to still keep himself likable) but basically. Hmm. And speaking of superficial, Calliope was quite pretty. The tshirt hung in what could almost be called a 'sexy' way. In some ways the way she was standing suggested a ballroom dress instead of jeans and a tshirt. Was this another... NO he thought it would be too strange to even think such a think. Calliope must just be a really special person. If that actually was who he thought it was. He walked right up to her. She was with a little brunette who was practically a midget.
"Hey there" he said, interrupting their conversation. The little brunette turned and focussed on him a gaze that could burn a hole through a lead wall. He gave her his best "happy dwarf" grin, "Hey there! Are you having a good time?"
"Well I was but.."
"Oh, what happened." He pretended to look up at Calliope for the first time, "Oh hey! Calliope, right?"
She raised an eyebrow, "Yes, that's right. Everyone seems to recognise me tonight."
"You're hard to miss I guess. What you're wearing..."
"Suits my personality. Yes. I could say the same thing about you... Kusa?"
"You've got me in one." He said. He noticed out of the corner of his eye, much closer to the ground, the brunette looking from one of them to the other in a rage and then walking off in a huff. "I'll talk to YOU later Calliope" she said as she went. "OK, goodbye!" Calliope called after her.
"So what leads you to hold a crazy shin dig like this one?" He asked
"What leads you to use a word like shindig?"
"Just nerves I guess" he said and laughed nervously to emphasise the point. Don't be too cocky! He yelled at himself in his head. There was still every possibility that she wasn't an operative. Even if she was, it wasn't his purpose to root her out. Unless of course it was... though then he likely would just be expected ot include it in his report.
"Do you like the party?" She asked
"It's really nice." he said, "I love the martinis. I notice they're a proper dirty martini, that's hard to get nowadays."
"It's easy in a hotel like this."
"Is that right? I should come to a hotel like this more often! And the cocktail sandwiches, are they standard here too?"
"Well, they do have cocktail in the name"
"Ah, thats a good point."
He looked directly at Calliope. She seemed to be looking at him slightly with contempt, which he would expect with the way he currently looked, with also with a sort of curiousness. He thought he would throw something random out there. He looked around the room and saw the guy he had talked to when he first arrived at the party. M. Or Menelaus, because everyone knew his real name. Not a good idea in these chat rooms, in his experience but then, it was this guy's life. Had a really sexy girlfriend and yet was just flirting with Calliope here. She seemed to be encouraging flirting though. Not in a slutty way, this seemed to be a way for her to get the people she was talking to to open up more, to bleed them dry. To gather information. That's what was piquing his interest. Although everything he read in the chat logs told him that she considered herself a bit of a psychoanalyst... but that wasn't it. He had seem these amateur analysts at work before. They would wait till someone had said five, maybe six sentences and then throw in, "Oh you have Freud's decapilitery monkey. That's a common thing. I bet you thought of your teddy bear as a sexual object from ten onwards too, didn't you? Don't lie, there's nothing to be ashamed of unless you acted on it... did you act on it? Is that why you won't tell us? See now you look like you want to escape, you're not saying anything. It's almost like you have stunted social skills. Have you ever been diagnosed with autism? I think you should go get yourself diagnosed with autism." This Calliope though, the one here, at the party, seemed to actually be good about getting her information out and being quiet about it, not drawing attention to herself aside from her denim ballgown illusion.

Nano 2012 Day Twenty-Seven

"The get up. It just suits you and everything I've talked to you about."
Kusa looked really proud at this, "Well thanks, I try to just dress like myself, you know? But you have to take pride in your dress code."
"That's right. So what's been happening?"
"Not a lot. The usual trouble with my car and my cat."
"Nink jumping into the seat whenever you open the door to drive somewhere? I remember you talking about that."
"Yeah, I'm just worried it'll get dangerous."
Menelaus started to relax. This conversation was easy, he could take part in this.
"Oh wait, this is rude of me, who are you?"
Menelaus was slightly taken aback and then realised Kusa had probably never actually seen him and they hadn't really walked about anything specific. "Oh, I'm M in the chat room"
"Oh that's right! Hey M, how are things?"
"They're not bad, you know. Everything is coasting along for me really."
"Yeah I can imagine with the copywriting and everything. How is your friend doing, the one that got hit by the car? Peter?"
"Yeah he's doing alright now. Just needs to be careful doing something like swimming or yoga where he needs to do deep breathing."
"Because his ribs got hurt, right?"
"Yeah, that's right." Kusa was nodding to himself. Menelaus was impressed, he didn't remember Kusa saying he had a photographic memory.
"So you're some sort of memory master, huh?"
"What, why do you ask that?"
"Well, all those details about me, my friend and his accident, I mean, that was months ago."
"Well, it was pretty exciting at the time. That sort of thing tends to stick."
"Yeah I guess that's true. How are you going with your book."
"It moves slowly, like the turtle across the universe."
"Carrying the world on its back, right?"
"You got it. Hey, I'm going to go get a drink, OK? It was nice talking to you, M"
"Yeah nice talking to you too, Kusa."
Kusa went off to the tables and Menelaus was left wondering about him. It's still pretty amazing he remembered all that, he thought to himself, maybe he looks over chat logs before he comes to something like this? The more he thought about it the more he couldn't put it past him. It would be the sort of thing he would do. Though he wasn't as bad as some of the ones they'd had to kick over the years, he still had a paranoid streak to him that became very obvious after a while. Menelaus waiting until Kusa had gotten his drink from the table and had drifted away and started talking to someone else before he went to the table himself and got himself a cocktail. He didn't want it to look like he was a hanger-on, or like he was incapable of talking to anyone at the party if he didn't recognise them first. When did he become so socially stunted? If he was being honest with himself, he couldn't think of a time when he was socially 'superior'. He always was a bit awkward, very shy, constantly worried that his presence wasn't wanted or, at best, tolerated. He walked back to his 'spot' with the cocktail and then drifted closer to the wall and stood there listening to the music. It sounded a bit like the old trip hop he used to listen to but with a bit of that dub-hop... was it called 'wub'? He really didn't want to ever refer to anything as 'wub'.

He enoyed it though, the girl had an entrancing voice, even when it was being put through a stutter effect; although he really didn't like when it was forced through a harsh auto tune. She really didn't need it in his opinion and it seemed to be thrown in for the sake of having it there, rather than it actually adding anything to the music. Although for all he knew, it was some crazy mix that had been made of an original song, or a 'mash up' or whatever people were listening to. He suddenly felt very old and he wasn't even that old. He sighed. He saw someone new come in, this time it was a girl with long blonde hair, in jeans and a tshirt. She had a plastic flower brooch in her hair and red fabric docs on. He wondered if it was Calliope. Could he be two for two? He decided not to approach her though, she would find out who he was and approach him if she wanted to talk. He finished his drink and turned to the nearest person to him. They were deeply involved in a conversation with someone, however, that seemed to have gotten very flirty and involved a lot of laughter, with the two getting closer and closer to eachother everything the laugh track was turned on. Ok, probbly not a good idea to interrupt the potential love birds.

He walked around a little more and saw Kusa talking to someone in an orange tshirt and camo pants, with a claw pendant around his neck on a thick nickel chain. Okran? It must be, he talked about that necklace all the time, and all his marital arts training. As if triggered by the thought, he saw the guy suddenly go into a combat stance and then pretend to attack a chair, relax and continue talking to Kusa as if he was demonstrating the best way to take down.... a chair? Menelaus sniggered. Jesus, this party was boring. What was he doing here? Oh that's right, two reasons: 1) He couldn't turn down free booze and food. Something he was never able to shake from his starving students days and 2) He wanted to talk to calliope about whether her agent had read his book. Although, now that he thought about it, there was nothing to connect his story with calliope at all. He hadn't talked about her, she didn't know his full name and her agent probably got thousands of books in the mail. He was an idiot. Well, maybe he would've talked to her about a new writer he was *excited* about? But if he was excited, surely he would've called him immediately. Nope, he's just an idiot. Oh well. He thought about leaving. Maybe Tina wasn't doing anything? They could be having crazy sex right now. Or they could be having nice, normal missionary sex that wouldn't wrench his hip out of place. Yeah that sounded pretty good as well.

He walked towards the exit and was just going through the glass doors towardds the hall when he heard behind him, "Hey, M. Is that you?" he turned and saw that the blonde he had picked as Calliope was talking to him. Two for two after all. He walked up to her and said "Actually, yeah I am M. And you are?"
"I'm Calliope, you might remember me from the chat channel?" She had a smile in her eyes. Good, that was a good sign. "Ah yes! I know you! How are you?"
"I am good! And how are you?"
"I'm pretty good. I like this party. Did you put it together?"
"I helped organise it, yes." Calliope shifted her drink to her left hand and put her right hand on her hip. She looked like she should have been wearing a red ball gown and had a long cigarette holder in her hand with that pose. It looked very classical which was really interesting. "Are you enjoying it?"
"I am actually, it's quite ritzy. I like what the DJ is playing too, did you pick the songs?"
"No, Kusa was in charge of that actually. He has quite good taste."
"Ok great, how interesting. And the alcohol?"
"Yes, having alcohol was totally my idea." Callipe smiled a toothy smile at him that made him feel uncomfortable. Was she coming onto him. "More importantly, would that help your writing career?" a little voice in the back of his head said. He tried to silence it. "Good one." He said, "I mean, it was a great idea. These are really nice martinis as well! I don't think I've ever had one quite like this one, it slides down the throat so smoothly!"
"Yes, it's called a "dirty martini", it's because it has the juice from the jar that the olives come in, in the drink. So there is a little slick of olive oil in there. It helps both the texture and the flavour tremendously. And it's like your giving your engine a little tune up. He laughed, she smiled again. "You want to ask me if my agent saw your story, don't you?"
"Well, no, that'd be silly. I mean, he gets so many and there's no way of knowing if..."
"Well, he has."
"Really? How did you know?"
"I told him to let me know if something came through by someone whose name was "Menelaus". Do you think anyone else in this city has this name and is also a writer? I think it would have to be a pretty small chance."
"Well, it'd be nice I guess. Sometimes I wonder."
"Really? Don't you like being unique?"
"It gets lonely sometimes."
"Yes... I can imagine it does." She gazed at him for a few seconds. Menelaus felt his face burning up. Calliope was at the same time quite similar to and quite different to what he was expecting. If he really thought about it, he could see all aspects of her personality reflected in how she conducted herself in the chat room but this intensity was still something that you can't really pick up in a chat room unless someone is into obsessively talking about themselves, and Calliope was not that person.

Nano 2012 Day Twenty-Six

The mime adjusted his tshirt and then put on his scruffy suit jacket. Yes, this looked perfect. He decided to dress like one of the 'cool' characters off a Japanese anime but to give it a little more contemporary style so he didn't look like he was going to a halloween party. This was definitely the sort of this "Kusa" would wear to a gathering, especially one that had served drinks and houer dors. He placed his prosthetics carefully on his face and affixed them with the special glue and stood back to admire himself. Lucky he had his clothes tailored at the last second otherwise he may not have fit into them with his last weight spurt, as controlled as he was trying to be. He was a little worried by the excess overhang, knowing how unhealthy  it was, but he knew he would be able to regain his figure from before. At least it meant he didn't have to hunt down a stomach prosthetic. He checked his screen again. Tonight his client was providing him with a live feed of the chat room Kusa was in so he would know up to the minute details of what he was supposed to have said plus an idea of what time he would've been leaving his hou. He could see "Kusa" was saying goodbye to everyone so he set a timer on his watch based on some quick calculations in his head. Time to shower, get ready, get changed, catch a taxi (Kusa didn't drive), time from the general area they thought he was from. The mime, however, lived up the street from the event so getting there would not be a problem, though he would still need to somehow get a taxi to agree. Though people will agree to most things for money, he'd tell them to drive around the block afterwards to explain it to their depo if they really were worried.

He pulled out his phone and checked his little "guide to being Kusa" that he had placed on there. He had structured it in such a way that if someone else had taken his phone and read it, they would just assume that it was a character sheet for someone in a Dungeons and Dragons game (which Kusa would almost certainly be into) or that it was a character for a novel that someone was working on, and he knew that Kusa talked about his writing here and there in the chat room.

He scanned the pages, made sure of the accent he was going to use, and memorised the various phrases that he used in the chatroom that seemed like they would transition in to real life. He heard the timer on his phone go off and went out to find himself a taxi, hoping to himself that this one had clean glasses or didn't need them. Thankfully there was a taxi parked just outside his apartment block as there was a new nightclub that had opened up across the road and it was waiting for drunk kids to stagger over and swear that they weren't going to vomit all over his sheets. He leant in the window and said the address. The taxi driver said, "are you crazy?"
"Possibly. But I will give you fifty bucks to take you there. You can circle the block afterwards if you need to show the mileage."
"Alright, get in."
The mime got in the taxi and the taxi driver set off. He immediately started chatting, "So are you with the FBI? I get that sort of feeling from you, even though you're dressed as a dweeb. Are you going to that nerd party that's happening, where they have gotten high class waiters and catering and all of that? Is there a high profile hacker that's going to be there, huh? Is that what it is? I know those geeky kids, you can't trust them. All of them, they learn how to use and computer and then something just clicks in their head and they decide they want to rob a bank, or become a terrorist, or break into the Government. There must be something seriously wrong with those kids I tell you. When I think about..."
"We're here."
"Oh so we are. Well, good luck." He took the fifty dollar bill the mime proferred him, "sir" He winked and the mime let himself out and the taxi sped away, presumably to circle the block. The mime walked up to the entrance of the building "The Mercurian Hotel" Gold plate writing proclaimed on the big glass door leading to inside. He walked up and pressed on the door and it opened. He smiled. The move still worked. Didn't feel the same without a glove though, not these days.

He walked up to the reception desk and asked about the gathering of chatters and was told to go to the third floor and the whole floor was booked out. He thanked the woman and walked to the lift. The elevator doors were covered in a gilt pattern of flowers that somehow walked the line between classy and gaudy. The more he looked at it though, the the mime tended to lean towards 'gaudy'. He stood there for a few minutes before realising he had forgotten to push the button. What was wrong with him tonight. He reached forward and smartly pressed it so that the circle of light around it came on and stood back to sheepishly wait for the lift to actually come to his floor. At least it wouldn't be out of character for Kusa, he thought.
But was it out of character to talk about having done it? He couldn't think of an answer and panicked. He pulled out his mobile from his jacket pocket and started quickly flipping through his Kusa notes. Hmm, he was pretty arrogant. He didn't seem to make any jokes at his own expense even for friendliness. Maybe he'll save it till he's had a few drinks, he decided. Though he wouldn't actually be drinking very much, if at all, he'll try to make it appear as if he was imbibing and becoming socially drunk. The bell went off for the lift and the doors opened up. The mime stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the floor (making absolutely sure that it had selected) and stood back as the doors closed and the elevator started slowly moving up.

Thinking to himself, he thought it was a bit odd that he had no direct mission fo the night. All he was expected to do was mingle, chat in character, and then go home again. It was almost like a test to see if the client could talk about the party in the chat later on and be thought of still as the same person. The mime realised now that it probably WAS a test, and the real mission would be coming up later, once he had established himself. But what would it be? He hoped it wasn't a killing mission, he realy hated wetworks and he tried to keep his involvement in any thing strictly of he dramatic variety. SO what? What could it possibly be? The lift rang its bell again and the doors opened up onto the third floor and the party within.
Menelaus kept mingling with the other people at the party. He felt a little uncomfortable. He was normally not that great with social situations at the best of times but he had only come to this one to chat to Calliope about her agent. He hoped he wasn't becoming too annoying to her. He wasn't picking up any negative vibes, but still. He suddenly realised he had no idea what she looked like. Well, most of the people here now knew who he was by him turning up, introducing himself, asking who they were and then, after a few seconds of awkward silence, excusing himself, which was probably what they were hoping her would do. None of the people there so far had been online on the night of the accident though, so there was no reason for them to talk to him or any frame of reference they could hang their conversation with him on. He went over to the snack table and got himself another cube of cheese and a salted cracker. He loved cubes of cheese. He understood why a lot of people, when they got made redundant, started eating a lot of cheese during the day. It seemed heavenly to him but he also knew it was basically pure fat. He wondered if the propaganda-like videos he had seen his vegan friends spread about cheese being 'addictive' and really horribly bad for the body were actually true. It was usually a case of 'half yes' and 'half no' with that sort of thing so he decided to just keep eating the cheese and forget about it for now. It was the only thing that was actually making the party bearable for him. He heard the lift go off in the hallway outside during a lull in the music as it changed to another track and kept an eye out for who it would be. He thought it was strange there even was a lull in the tracks and normally these days DJs mixed tracks into eachother but he guessed the DJ thought the song needed some sort of introduction.

He saw a man walk in with jeans, futuristic looking sneakers, a suit jacket over an anime tshirt that seemed to have a bubbly looking girl with pink hair and cleavage bending over and blowing a kiss. It all fit well though. The man himself was a bit chubby and had a bit of stubble. Kusa? It had to be, it fit his profile too well. He decided to walk over to him and chat.
"Hey there!" he called out the guy looked at him
"Is that Kusa?"
The guy looked unsure for a second then relaxed, "Yeah, that's me. How did you know?"

Nano 2012 Day Twenty-Five

It powered up and made its annoying music and then he picked the program that knew all his preferences for shows. He couldn't think of anything so he turned it off again. He switched around to the section where his games were and picked a particularly aggravating one. He had kept getting stuck on this one, it would let you get a certain amount of progress and then it would suddenly change the 'rules' on you. It was a lot of fun but was also incredibly frustrating seeing his on screen protagonist getting beaten up, ripped apart, burned and electrocuted. He played for about fifteen minutes, dying in a similar way over and over and finally gave up and turned the whole system off. He lay back on his couch and thought about his writing. NOw that he had completed something he was actually proud of, what should he do? Should he keep going? Did he have to keep writing every day? He had heard that was what made a good writer. He wasn't sure if he could bring himself to do it though. Although he did it all the time for work, but that was copy writing. It was to a set of rules and a set of objectives and he could easily find the bits and pieces of information to put the story together that would make the client happy and hopefully attract the customers. There was a formula to attracting the customers too and all he had to do was pay attention to the trends of the day and how they changed the way people thought about the ads they looked at and merely modify them. With his fiction, though, it was a lot harder. Everything came from his head, his own experiences, the things he had said or thought he should have said. It came from his imagination which sometimes he felt was rather dusty and was also why he was so proud of his story, because it was imaginative. At least, he thought it was. It was just as likely the agent would think it was immature and puerile and not get past the first page before throwing it in the trash. In Manelaus's opinion, that would be a great shame.

He got up again and grabbed his laptop and his little stable table and went and lay down on the couch again. Ok, time to try writing ot masterpiece number two. He began to type, "In the Himalayas there lives a huge white beast with shaggy fur and an overbite. All the adults call his "Daskrogen", all the kids call him "Uncle Wooley"."
Hmm, not bad. He kept writing, "One day when the beast was collecting wood from the forest for his fire he came across a small deer that had broken its leg in a bear trap that had been set. It was unconscious from loss of blood and twitching. The Daskrogen reached down and opened up the trap and gently pulled out the deer's mangled leg He inspected the leg and could see it had been broken. This made the beast very angry, however he controlled his anger and found a small twig with which to splinter the deer's leg. He pulled some of his shaggy fur off of himself and stretched it out to make a makeshift bandage which he used to fasten the splint to the deer's leg. He leg very carefully picked up the creature and took it up to his little hut in the mountains. When the deer awoke, at first it was frightened to see the beast and tried to scramble away but discovered it could not put any pressure on its leg and cried out. The sound broke the beast's heart. He had a bowl of broth ready, which he put in front of the deer and the deer eagerly licked it up and then cried for more. The beast put him more broth and then sat back with his long-necked banjo and softly twanged out a song. He sang as well. He sang in his native voice, which was low like the rumble of a wolcano but melodic and fluent like a breeze through the trees. He sang of loss and of sorry, of remembering and of happiness. He sang of the hills around the forest and of the forest ithin the hills. He sang of the animals that lived in the forest and the ones who hunt in the hills, and of the animals in between who are not sure if they would like to be hill animals lost in the forest or forest animals lost in the hills. Finally, he sang of an understanding of purpose between all living things, that we all have a right to live and a right to die. That there is a circle of life and a way of doing things and that the forest and hills are built on the history that came before them, from right back when the trees were saplings and the hills were small mounds of ice and dirt.

The deer sat quietly and listened to this, and when the beast had finished the dear carefully shuffled itself over to where the beast was with its three remaining good legs and rested its head on his lap and went to sleep. The beast had other things it needed to do, but for now it stayed where it was and gently tuned its banjo while the deer slept."

Not a bad beginning, Menelaus thought, but where does it go from there? Does he go the traditional children's fairytale route and make them best friends? Does he do a modern take on it in the style of all those Little Red Riding Hood rewrites and make them lovers? Does he make it a warning tale about conservation and make it about the townspeople cutting down the trees or threatening the beast and the deer or even, bizarrely, somehow being directly responsible for the ice on his mountains melting?  Did he have to pick any of these? It seemed he did because the natural flow of the story seemed to stop exactly where he had left it. How could he possibly make a choice? He remembered he should probably save it and did so, then heard a knock at the door. He shut down his laptop and went to answer it. As he expected, it was Tina, although it seemed a little early.
"Hello you!" He said and gave her a kiss.
"Hello loverboy!" She said, "Can I intrude?"
"Always, come in." He stepped aside so she could enter his apartment and she skipped in.
"So, isn't it a bit early? Get an early minute?"
"Noooo I just had work finish early. There was a fire drill and they dismissed us straight from there. They don't really care about productivity too much."
"So what have you been doing? I see your new toy is off."
"I've been writing, actually. I had to rewrite something I did a few months ago for a new target audience."
"Oh that sounds annoying!" She sat herself down on the couch and grabbed one of his games magazines and flipped thorough it. He sat down next to her. "It wasn't too bad, I just had to work out what they would probably want. It's nothing I haven't done before. Really, it's easy money."
"So that's all you've done today?"
"Well, I also tried to write a short story."
"The one you've been working on for a while?"
"No a new one. Hey, how did you know about the other one?"
She looked up from the magazine she had been flipping through and smiled "I know everything, remember?"
"Seriously, you've talked about it before. But months ago. You used to bring it up every now and then when we got together with Peter and some of the other guys. I was part of your friend circle, remember? Remember me? I'm your friiieeend."
"Ok, ok, that makes sense."
"Why were you keeping it from me? Or thinking you were keeping it from me?"
"No, i just didn't want to show you anything I wasn't sure about."
"Aw, I'll always think what you're doing is amazing because you're the one doing it! So... this was a new story? What's it about?"
"I was just writing it off the top of my head, it's about a big white creature in the Himalayas..."
"You mean the yeti?"
"Well no. I mean, kind of. It's sort of like the legend of the yeti except it isn't actually the yeti if that makes sense?"
Tina looked a little confused but she said, "Go on."
Anyway, he liked in the icy mountains and down below there's a forest"
"A forest right next to icy mountains?"
"In the Himalayas?"
"Well, yeah."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Look, I haven't Google Mapped it. Anyway, he goes down into the forest and he finds this little deer with its foot stuck in a bear trap."
"That's horrible!"
"And he decides to help it. He bandages up it's leg and takes it back to his house and..."
"Fucks it?"
"He fucks it, right? They become lovers?"
"What, no! He sings to it!"
"And then they start fucking?" She looked at the stricken look on Menelaus's face and laughed, "Oh baby, I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't mean to traumatise you either! But you know, there's a few stories that start like that, like the fairytale and it ends up being the two creatures are actually lovers know."
"Yeah I know, I was actually considering if I should go that route to be honest. But it seemed to degrade all the scenes of him looking after her, setting her leg, playing her music..."
"Do you think our sex degrades our friendship?"
"Well, no. I mean, it's different..."
"Is it really? Are you saying all sex is dirty, that it contaminates things?"
"No, of course not, why would you say that? If I thought that, do you think I would have sex as often with you?"
"Well hormones make people do crazy things!" She smiled, "But no, I'm just goading you."
"Well alright then. Um did you want a glass of water of something?"
"No, I'm fine. Can I read what you've done of your story?"
"Well I've pretty much told you all of it. It's not particularly poetic or anything like that. It's just the story. I was writing off the top of my head."
"What about the other one from months ago? Did you ever finish that?"
"Yeah actually, I finished and polished it."
"Can I read it? Please? Please?" She bounced on the couch and brought her knees up next to him and kept bouncing, pushing him playfully on the shoulders with every word, "Please? Please?"
"Alright alright you crazy girl!"
He grabbed his laptop and opened it up to his story and passed it over to her. She read for a minute and then said "There's no chance you have a printer is there? I just find it hard to read long things off a screen."
"Uh sure..." He grabbed the laptop again and told it to print the story to the network printer he kept in his cupboard. Once it had rattled off all the pages, he handed them to Tina. She stretched out on the couch and kicked off her shoes. "Ok, you can make me a drink now" she said, "a cup of tea would be really nice. Thank you!"
He made her the tea and wondered how she would react to the story.

Nano 2012 Day Twenty-Four

Menelaus woke up and looked at the calendar on his phone. It had been nearly two months since he and Tina had started going out. Since then he had barely any sleep at all, they both seemed to have a voracious appetite for each other and couldn't stay awake. He figured if he ever got himself a 'proper' 9-5 job he would need to put in some sort of boundaries so that he could actually get some sleep. Not that he minded the endless rumpy-pumpy, he loved it, but he also needed sleep. Overall, though, things had been going amazingly. Neither of them had many complaints with the other, though Tina thought he played computer games a little much and that he didn't really need to talk to strangers online when he had his own friends circle in "the real world" that he talked to. He argued that these were just people he talked to as an intellectual exercise and that he had met a group of them a few nights after they got together and that went fine. In fact, one of them, Calliope, had given him the details of her agent and told him to try sending some of his stuff over to him when he felt the work was ready. Tina really couldn't argue with that but at the same time didn't really think it was that big a deal. Maybe it wasn't. In any case, the almost argument was always forgotten pretty quickly.

He re-focussed on his phone. Two PM? Was he meant to meet with anyone for lunch? Tina was at work (she seemed to be able to function on no sleep with no problems, at least for now. He wouldn't be surprised though if eventually she started making her own rules for bed time to herself), Peter was at work. Actually, most of his friends worked. He wished he had more friends who worked for themselves so they could meet for power breakfasts, or power brunches, or power lunches... actually, they'd need to invent something between lunch and dinner so that he'd actually get to it. Power Luner? Sounded like a spacecraft. He got out of bed and showered to clear his head then opened up his laptop and checked his email. One of his usual clients wanted him to go back over some of the copy he'd already submitted and rework it to fit a different demographic. That was fine. He got himself a bowl of cereal and ate it down, then began work on his copy.

A couple of hours later, after a near disaster where the laptop nearly turned itself off because the cable had somehow gotten disconnected from it and his battery barely held a charge, he was done and emailed it off to the client. He got an OK a few minutes later so he started browsing through his normal sites around the place. Once he got bored he loaded up IRC to see who was on. He was happy to see Calliope still the operator for the night as sometimes she left it to other people. A few people said hello to him and he said hello back, though most of them he barely knew. It was just because it was the custom to say hello to anyone that joined. It was a nice custom, but it could make things confusing or tedious. He said hello to Calliope in the main chat, she said, "Hey M how are you doing?"
"I'm not bad, just bored. I've basically finished my work for the day."
"Lucky you, I've still got to grade a pile of papers before I can go do anything 'relaxing'"
"Shame. Well, my relaxing is coming into this chat channel really."
"Not your pretty girlfriend? ;)" She used a winking smiley face to indicate they knew what they got up together. Well of course she did. Everyone did. He thought to himself, I mean, most couples get up to that stuff right?
"Haha yeah well that's relaxing too but it pretty much means everything else is off for the night."
"And it can be hard work too, right?"
"Totally." He wasn't lying, he was pretty sure he nearly dislocated his hip the other night trying to twist into a new position they had found out. He wasn't sure why they got so frantic together but it always felt like it was the last time they'd ever get to make love. At least she turned out to be telling the truth about her pill, they hadn't had any pregnancy scares.
"So what brings you to the chat room then?"
"Like I told you, just to relax."
"What sort of work do you do, M?" This was someone else in the chatroom. He answered,
"I'm a copywriter"
"Oh cool cool. Do you do that from an office?"
"No I'm freelance from home."
"Do you have a normal job as well?"
"No, I don't really need one."
"Wouldn't your girlfriend like for you to have the extra money?"
"I think I make enough money how I am. Why do you care?"
"I don't care, I was just asking. So you make a lot freelance then?"
"I make a lot more than I did at my last job, that's for sure. It's paying for my apartment and my bills so that's good enough for me."
"Well alright then. I'm glad for you."
He really didn't like where the conversation had gone with that person. What made them suddenly attack his profession? And bring Tina into it? Well, "His girlfriend", obviously they had no idea about Tina herself but just heard him talk about having a partner with Calliope. What nerve. He calmed himself down and spoke to Calliope again, "Hey Calliope?"
"Are those details for your agent still current?"
"Well yeah, he can't really afford to be changing them all the time, he has clients all over the world."
"Good because I think I have something I want to submit to him."
"Really? Good work. Do you want me to take a look over it first?"
"That's OK, I've redrafted it a lot; I just want to send it off so he can see it and maybe give me some feedback if he doesn't like it."
"Well, if he really doesn't like it you won't get anything back. But I have known him to send encouraging feedback letters back to authors he felt might eventually be extraordinary."
"And we all want to be that author."
"Yeah that's right, or getting published."
"Or getting published, true."
Hmm, he wasn't sure what to say back to that. "Well, thanks for all your advice!"
"Don't mention it."
He closed his chat program and took a look at the writing he had been working on. He was inspired by the book I had that he had now read from cover to cover. He was sure that it had originally been a completely different book, but now it seemed to have morphed into this cheesy adventure book with a focus on smell. So he wrote a short story about a small family who went on a regular trip to Paris just to stand in cheese stores and take in the scent. And it ends up turning out that the reason they do this is that there is a hormone in the cheese that helps them digest ice cream better, and they all love ice cream more than anything but they are all lactose intolerant. So the fumes from the French cheese allow them to indulge their obsession with ice cream. It was all nonsense, of course, but it had turned into a witty little story and become quit bigger than its premise. He was, quite honestly, quite proud of it. He didn't have the guts to show it to Tina though, he wasn't even sure what sort of books she read, he would tell her about it if it got accepted for publication or won some sort of short story award of something. For now he would keep it to himself and Calliope's agent. Funnily enough, Calliope only referred to herself as Calliope to him, which implied to him that she wanted to keep the relationship semi-anonymous. It was alright with him, though most people in the chat room knew him by his real name or 'M' just because he could never keep track of nick names for himself.

He scanned the document for spelling mistakes for what seemed like the four hundredth time. Then he read it through to himself to make sure it made sense, that it flowed well, was snappy, didn't drag on any where, but it seemed perfect. He opened up an email and attached it to it, then looked up the agent's details. He copied and pasted the email address and wrote a cover letter to go with his story, and sent it off. He was going to also explain his connection to Calliope when he realised that without knowing her real name or the name of her books he wouldn't really be able to say any thing aside from "I know your client who writes fantasy books for and calls herself Calliope in a chat room". It didn't seem very professional. SO he sent off the email and prepared himself to wait.  In the meantime he loaded up his console attached to the tv. He had only got it recently because he normally played games on his laptop, having made sure it could handle the small group of games he normally played regularly and he originally didn't see the point. Although once he had gone to a friend's house and seen how they had theirs set up with its own hard disk full of movies to run from, and the ability to relax on the couch while switching through things, he was talked around. SO now he had this games box that he mostly used to watch tv shows from around the world.

Nano 2012 Day Twenty-Three

"so do you have any plans tonight?" He said to Tina
"SO you want to monopolise all my time, huh?" She said
"What? No! I was just making small talk."
She came up to him and rubbed his back gently. "It's alright, I was just kidding. Yeah actually, I'm catching up with a couple of girlfriends. Do you want to come along?"
"No it's probably better I don't, you know, completely integrate myself into your life from now."
"Yeah you're probably right. Well, do you mind if I call you once we're finished?"
"NO of course not"
"Good because I might want to come over." She smiled at him again and leaned in to kiss him. He leaned in and gave her a kiss and felt his chest flutter. The lift was at six now. Five. Four. Three. Two. Ding! The doors slid open and they stepped inside. Menelaus pushed the button for the fourth floor and the doors closed again. They stood in the elevator and it seemed a little bit chilly to Menelaus. He looked over at Tina and she was standing with her arms tight around her as if she was freezing. He went over and put his arm around her and tried to warm her up. She smiled at him, "Thank you"
They got to the floor and stepped out and tried to find the ward. There were a lot of signs pointing in all directions. Finally they found one that said "C Ward" and they followed it to the main desk where they asked about Peter.
"He's just behind me in that room there" the nurse answered pointing to a set of double doors nearby. They thanked her and walked through. About two beds down they saw Peter. He looked like a commercial for health insurance, all covered up in plaster and bandages. It actually looked slightly comical and Menelaus would've laughed if it hadn't had been his friend. Tina walked over and kissed Peter on the forehead. "Hey there, champ" she said, "how are you feeling?"
"Much better." He said, "Please, kiss me on the forehead again."
She laughed, "no silly, that'll be for when you get better. It can be your reward for knitting those bones together!"
"Ok Ok." He said. Menelaus walked over. "hey there Peter how are you going?"
"I'm not too bad actually, despite how this looks..."
"It looks like you broke every bone in your body!" blurted out Menelaus
"Yeah I know. It's not that bad, it's actually to stop me from moving too much while they hold my ribs and spine in place. Should only be for a couple more days and then they take this thing off, watch me for another night and then send me home."
"Oh fantastic" said Tina
"Yeah that's really great" Menelaus said.
"So how are you two lovebirds?" Said Peter
"Lovebirds?" said Menelaus shakily
"Oh come on" said Peter, "It's pretty obvious. You two are all flushed around each other. Of course, I'm on a lot of drugs. I could just be seeing lots of colours that aren't actually there. Or maybe you two aren't really here? Or maybe... maybe I'm not really here..."
"Ok Peter, yeah something happened with us." Tina said
A small smile could be visible behind the bandages slightly obscuring his face. “Well, that’s nice. It is nice, right? Are you guys happy?”
“I’m happy” Menelaus said
“Yes, I’m happy” Tina said
“Well there you go” said Peter, “Nice work! So what did you guys bring for me?”
Tina brought out some magazines and handed them over to him. “These just seemed like they had the most cool stuff. Gadgets, guitars, flashy things, art, etc.”
Peter looked them over, “Thank you, this looks fantastic. And Menelaus? You remembered?”
Menelaus reached into his satchel bag and brought out his portable game system and handed it over. “There you go. The earphones are wrapped around it, there’s a card with games on it, you should be able to work it out.”
“Ok amazing, thank you. This should help me from dying of boredom at least.”
"No problem."
"Well guys, take a seat! Sit around and chat to me for a bit if you don't mind?"
"We don't mind." Said Tina and grabbed a chair from the side of the room and pulled it up to where the bed was and Menelaus followed suit.
The mime paid the taxi driver with shaky fingers. He snatched money from his hand, assumed a tip and sped off into the city leaving a trail of yelling pedestrians and screeching cars behind him. This was getting to be ridiculous, who was out to get him now? He half wished they had been successful rather than have had to brave that taxi journey though. He got back up to his apartment and changed into his dressing gown. At least now he looked reasonably dignified. He threw the shorts into his laundry basket, on the off chance the owner ever enquired about them and actually wanted them physically back. He knew those sorts of weird people actually existed. He looked at his calendar, two months to prepare for the party. Wait, was it a party? Of a sort, it was a get together but they were doing it as a formal thing. He decided he had to utilise a disguise. Obviously he had access to prosthetics but possibly it was going to take more than that. He decided to put on weight for the assignment. He wasn't sure how to do this in a healthy way, but possibly he would utilise a prosthetic for that too. At least for some of it. He looked in the mirror and said goodbye to his chiseled jawline. Oh well, he'll get it back but it gets harder and harder as you get older, he knew that for a fact. He'd be living on shakes and smoothies for a while once the job was over.

He set himself a routine to follow. First studying the chat sessions, then eating a big bowl of fruit, the studying his acting classes, then eating a big bowl of breakfast cereal, then writing down what he felt the inner motivation of the character "Kusa" was within the chat room, in any new way he saw it that day, then eating a big protein based meal. He would still walk for half an hour each day but he would follow the walk immediately with a big bowl of spaghetti bolognaise. He felt reasonably confident with this method. He followed it every day from then, working his way through the sheets and through a sizable amount of food. He found an excellent shopping service that would go to various high quality stores for him and shop (just because he was going to be over-eating didn't mean he had to eat processed supermarket food) and stuck to the meal plan as well. After the eighth week he had an overhang over his belt and under his chin. He admired his work in the mirror, then placed a few well chosen prosthetics. Yes, this would do. Noone would recognise him. Even the big thug who knocked him down probably wouldn't recognise him, although he'd probably still track him. Still, it would work for the assignment and maybe deter whatever assassin was after him. He turned his face to the side and slapped the turkey neck under his chin. Well, at least it didn't wobble he thought to himself. He grabbed hold of his overhang and gave himself a similar consoling thought that at least it wasn't a full handful with each hand. He walked back over to his lounge chair, grabbing a banana off the kichen counter on the way, peeling it and throwing the peel into the bin at the end of the counter as he passed it. He lay down on his chair and grabbed the pile of sheets sitting next to it. He still needed to work out Kusa's wardrobe. Luckily the internet provided for that sort of thing as well. He saw a few anime references in the things that he said, maybe he could go with a variety of misguided J-pop clothes matching or maybe even be carrying a sword? He thought about even grabbing himself some sort of branded Doctor Who merchandise but that wasn't a show really mentioned by him either and he didn't want to err on the wrong side of the nerd culture fence.

Over the next few week, he gained even more weight but this time not as rapidly as the first ten or so kilos, so he could control it at the end. He got the prosthetics altered to fit his new face with its less pronounced cheekbones. He certainly would not be able to put on the mime make up in this state, he thought, and the thought of his life as a mime filled him with profound sadness. Even with everything they did to him, within that make up was still where he felt safe, where he felt he could act naturally. The japanese mud mask was a facsimile of the experience but it didn't quite work. Sure, he had clean pores after (even with the interruption) but it wasn't quite the same. The attack didn't help either but it wasn't the entirety of the problem. Now that I've blown up my past, quite literary, the mime thought to himself, how do I return to life missing the identity I crafted for myself? An identity I can never go back to? He felt a single tear well in his eye and willed it back into his eye socket. NO time for crying. Plus, the single tear was yet another reminder. He looked at the calendar, the get together was in a couple of nights. He had the outfit put together, he knew how he was getting there, He had moved into a different block of apartments but with a similar layout so that he could just move everything exactly how it was in the apartment (which was his instruction to the specialist moving men he hired, obviously after locking all sensitive items up first). Now at the least he was reasonably sure he wasn't being watched. By anyone other than the Portugese Secret Service guy. The PSS. Are you taking the PSS? The mime asked himself in his mind and chortled to himself. Hmm, he probably needed to get some real friends. Where would he find those? Maybe Paraguay? He made a mental note to move continents after this job, it was obviously starting to play with his head and he wanted to stay sharp, eve nif it meant never doing this job again. He could probably curate an art museum with his specialised art education anyway.
He took a look around him. This had been his work and relaxation space for a long time, ever since he worked out he could make more money from more advanced techniques than just begging on the street with his mimery. He could always recreate it where-ever he ended up, he decided. What did it matter in the end? We were all going to die, he thought to himself.